Woke up at 5 in the morning. Oh, it feels like I won a war or..... That close. I mean it is a HUUUGE achievement. I would like to thank my parents for their immense support. I would also like to thank my alarm clock, for not disappointing me. Now, I should probably stop. Hee hee. :)
That probably because I got the educational hangover. Sure, I'll go on and explain the term. In my vocab, its when you studied so much that you know you are full to bursting. You wanna puke it all out. But the auspicious time hasn't yet come. Its gonna be the dawn of my exam day, when it will be all out....
In case, you are still wondering, MY SEMESTER EXAMS ARE COMING UP. I am not the kinda gal, who has already done, like her tenth revision. No, thats Jyotika (BITCH!!!) Its me, poor old me. The simple( or not) girl.
The best episode in the history of my college life
(you don't have to be a history student, though. Its present tense. I am in my 2nd year)
My pa went to college to submit my fees. He met up with the dean, off course for a little chit-chat about the little birdy called Madhulika.
Oh, and girl she went for it. She was like,...
exact reproduction of words---
"oooooooooh!!! Madhulika is absolutely a sweetheart!Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! She is one of the best students here! Oh, Mr. Banerjee, you can't imagine how proud we are of her. We give her example to the coming generations of freshers. Ooooooooooh and aaaaaaaaaaaah."
"But,(here we go...) there's just this one problem. She has lost the zeal to work. She is distracted. She is bunking too many classes. She is going out for a movie, once almost every week. She has lost her drive. Blah blah blah blah blah!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Now for the counter-points from my side, which I couldn't do earlier in front of oooh-aaaah dean...
1> The ooooohs and aaaaahs of my respected dean, were solely meant to be a genuine joy of my antics.
2> I ask you, isn't it , duh, NORMAL, to bunk classes once in a while. Especially, those, which can make you a dead man(ahem, woman) walking, after class?
3> How the hell does she assume, that I go for a movie once every week? Had
I invited her somehow?
4> Oh, by the way , as if I have this giant fortune to go spend it all. ( which I wouldn't mind much, IF it were true)
Its been hell and fury at home since. Hell hath no fury like a father, pricked. I 'll say.
So, moral of the story. I have been in my room for most of the time during the last few days, studying... And the only thing thats revolving around my head right now, apart from, Creative destruction, discontinuous opportunity, business plan, graphs....... Is
" I've become so numb"....
Droool fellow rockers, droool.
best of luck gal! and ask your Dad to take a chiLL piLL ;)
Best wishes from me too, sista! :)
i can understand what ur goin thru.
take my advice just chill out have fun i think if u enjoy , u are in a better frame of mind while studying. but folks probably dont understand they just want their pyaari beti to top the class.
by the way i think ur prep. for cat . cani have ur ID i wuld like to add u as friend.im also in 2nd yr of my grad. and supposely in the race .
4 elfstone: Thank you for the advise. But you see if I ask my dad to take a chill pill.... he will give another kinda pill in return!!! :p Can't risk it!
4 dazed: thanks bro :)
4 jugs: Girl the prob is I am already chiiling out!!! hehehe :D
I know they want me to top and improve and all....ut its hard to improve upon perfection, aye ?
Reminds me of me. Enjoy to the fullest , 5 years down the line, you'll look back in retrospect and laugh about it.
Nice and interesting read your blog.. the latest one was funny...will visit you blog regualarly for more...
:)) 'we dnt need no education, teachers leav them kids alone!'
=)) y wud she say u going for movies atleast once a week. thats funny :D:D crazy lady, wot was she thikning :P
ALL I KNOE IS that These Jyotika types no.. they should be taken to task!!!
Well Well 5 Am .. u keep that up and soon u will be a jyotika =)
Awwww [:D]
Bechari beti has been having educational hangovers while dad thinks she's wasting time...
*sighs and shakes his head* [:P]
And boy r u famous... not everyone's dean (or next generation) knows how often he/she goes to see films!
Anyways... happy mugging [:P]
read my blogs @ rustic's ... tc
so, which movies did you watch??
hehe ;-)
just kidding!!
i can understand the numb feeling, me got my exams going and wen i could take no more of mugging that balderdash i thot its - "BLOG-TIME!!"
By the way nice post. i enjoyed reading it!!
ps:i cant believe it!! i got an exam in another 4 hours and here i am commenting on ur post!sheesh!!
@ ethan: yup dude, I'm already laughing on the inside :p its funny how I feel so differntly about some of the posts I write, 2 days later :)
2 lostsoul: than ku,than ku!!! ya same promise from my side, buddy :)
2 rich: hmmmmmm girl, you impress me. I love that song...
we don't need no education
we don't need no thought control
no dark sarcasm in d classroom
hee hee, you make me all teary-eyed
muaah :)
2 girl: ya it was as if she has a secret identity, she is a dean by day, and a creepy old woman stalker by evening following unsuspecting students around!
hehehe :p muah sweety and thanks
2 rustic:
hehehe nice to see u are back in form :)
after all d running, aye?
see ya around
2 abhi:
nah, I leave those super-hero tasks to you guys, send d ideas in! would love to hear them! :p
cheers muah
2 blu jade:
hmmmm for you.... :p :p :p
2 aditi:
nahiiiiiiiii would HATE that. gawd!!! the sheer idea, missy!!! ok maybe from now on I should wake up at 6 am, wat say? muaaah :)
2 sunny:
no, thats exactly what i'm saying... I'm NOT going for movies every week,thrice every month maybe, but not every week :p
As I said, I'm beginning to suspect my dean has a secret identity...
anyways cheers :)
2 shitrint:
best of luck 4 ur exams too girl!
muuuaaah :)
hehehe.. lage raho babe.. lage raho!!. hey that episode of your life, why does it feel like a re-run :|
anyways.. please give a 10 marks short note on discontinous oppurtunity!1 buhahahaha..:P
Nice blog you got here and some interesting posts. I guess you are pretty famous now that i've stumbled onto your blog ;)
Hello Dear,
Pardon me. I am new to your blog. You write good. But I feel that u are some what lonely. Don't you have brother or sister. And regarding Parents, just want to say one thing, they are the best pal a child can ever have.
Best wishes gal....be cool....
Hey please visit my blog too. And hope to get some comments
2 wormtongue:
hehehe I know it feels like deja vu but that is how it happened...:)
2 me:
well sorry to dissapoint you, but I'll take the liberty of saying that I'm already famous... buhahahaha ;p
2 sting:
I know what you are saying... In fact i consider my brother my best buddy in the whole world, then comes my pal Sia. They are very close to me. What can I say about my parents... I treasure them. I cherish them.
Thanks for dropping by :)
2 vishnu:
thanks buddy, cheers :)
4 months old posts
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